Lifestyle Changes for Diverticulosis

Drs. Sushil Rattan and Radman Mostaghim of GI Med Health care for their Greenbelt, MD, patients suffering from any set of gastroenterological issues, including diverticula.

What are diverticula?

Diverticula is known as diverticulosis. Diverticula are pouches that form in the digestive system, specifically the colon. This condition is common after the age of 40 and rarely causes problems unless there's inflammation that leads to infection (diverticulitis).

What are symptoms to look out for?

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Change in your bowel habits
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

Is diverticulitis treatable?

Mild diverticulitis is treated with:

  • Rest
  • Dietary changes
  • Antibiotics

Severe diverticulitis may require surgery.

What causes diverticulitis?

Diverticula develop in weak places under pressure, causing pouches to protrude. Diverticulitis occurs when one of the pouches pops and infects the body.

You need to be more vigilant because of any of the following factors. The chance of developing diverticulitis increases with age, as well as obesity, smoking, lack of exercise, and a diet high in animal fat and low in fiber. Another factor contributing to diverticulitis is certain medications like steroids, opioids, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium.

People who suffer from acute diverticulitis may develop complications, which include an abscess, a blockage in your bowel, or peritonitis, inflammation of the abdominal membrane lining.

For a proper diagnosis, make sure you visit your Greenbelt gastroenterologist.

How do you prevent diverticulitis?

  1. Exercise regularly. Working out at least 30 minutes several times a week promotes normal bowel movements and reduces pressure inside your colon.
  2. Eat healthily. Incorporating more fiber into your diet decreases the risk of diverticulitis. Fiber-rich foods soften waste material and ease excretion. Examples of high fiber foods include seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
  3. Fiber works when you drink plenty of water. Fiber absorbs water and softens bulky waste as it moves through the colon. Remember, if you increase fibrous food into your diet, water is key, or you'll be constipated.

Would you like to learn more about diverticula?

To learn more about diverticulosis and how to treat or manage symptoms, make sure you speak with Drs. Sushil Rattan and Radman Mostaghim of GI Med Health in Greenbelt, MD, by calling (301) 982-7900.

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