Things I Can Do To Reduce Heartburn

Heartburn can make you very reluctant to eat certain foods and can affect your sleep. If you don't want to take a lot of medication, you need to find some things that you can do to help to reduce the burning sensation. If you are suffering from heartburn in Greenbelt, MD, Dr. Sushil Rattan and Dr. Radman Mostaghim of GI Med Health are here to give you the help you need. 

While heartburn is not a dangerous condition, it can, if it goes untreated, cause damage to the lining of the esophagus and can even lead to an increased risk of esophageal cancer. If you are suffering from heartburn more than two days a week, it is time to take some steps that can help keep the condition under control.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is the single most important thing you can do to get your heartburn under control. Gaining as little as 10 or 20 extra pounds triples your risk of suffering from heartburn. Recent studies have shown that the symptoms of heartburn increase with the amount of weight gained and that being obese greatly increases the severity of the condition. Women show improvement with a loss of 5-10% of body weight and men with 10%. 

Stay Away From Triggers

Not everyone will have heartburn from the same triggers, but there are some that seem to be almost universally poorly tolerated. Try to avoid caffeine, which means coffee and tea as well as drinks like cola. Carbonated beverages are also known for aggravating heartburn. If you smoke, you should stop and if you don't smoke, don't start. For some people, chocolate is a trigger; for others, it is spicy food or foods that contain tomatoes. Onions and garlic are no-nos for many people with heartburn. Keep a food diary and keep track of the foods you eat that cause you to have heartburn in Greenbelt, MD, so you can determine what your triggers are. 

Sleep With Your Head Raised

Many people find that it helps them to avoid lying down for at least three hours after eating a meal. It is also helpful to sleep with your head raised. If you have an adjustable bed, it is easy. If not, try adding an extra pillow when you sleep. It is also better to sleep on your side than on your back. 

If you have tried all of these and are still suffering from heartburn in Greenbelt, MD, it is time to make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Rattan or Dr. Mostaghim of GI Med Health. Call the office at (301) 982-7900 or reach out to us on our website.

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