Seeing a Gastroenterologist for Stomach Pain

Not all stomach pain is the same, most of the time, you may feel ill for just about a day and you can typically figure out what caused it. But stomach pain that lasts longer than a couple of days or comes on suddenly, could be a symptom of an underlying problem or an issue that requires help from our Greenbelt, MD, gastroenterologist. You can learn more about stomach pain as a symptom and how it's treated by reaching out to GI Med Health, with Dr. Sushil Rattan and Dr. Radman Mostaghim.

Digestive Health

Digestive health issues are commonly what your gastroenterologist treats, and are also often the cause of stomach pain.

These issues can include anything related to the digestive system, such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, indigestion, food allergies, and food poisoning, among others.

Stomach flu can also cause temporary irritation and inflammation, which can also lead to abdominal pain.

These and other similar digestive health problems, depending on severity, may require a visit to your gastroenterologist. What is generally recommended is that you seek medical help if your stomach pain does not improve on its own over time, or if it instead worsens, or comes on suddenly.

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a very common but also highly treatable form of cancer if treated as early as possible. A problem with the condition is that it often doesn't present any symptoms, and when it does, symptoms like stomach pain, the cancer may be already very advanced.

It's why colon cancer screenings with a colonoscopy, usually beginning at around the age of 45, are recommended in order to spot and treat colon cancer before it spreads. A colonoscopy is also the procedure your gastroenterologist may use to treat a variety of conditions that can be causing stomach pain.

Stomach Pain Treatment in Greenbelt, MD

If you are seeking relief for your stomach pain and live in or near the area of Greenbelt, MD, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Rattan and Dr. Mostaghim of GI Med Health by dialing (301) 982-7900.

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