
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 posts

Seeing a Gastroenterologist for Stomach Pain

Not all stomach pain is the same, most of the time, you may feel ill for just about a day and you can typically figure out what caused it. But Read More

How Do I Know if My Stomach Pain Is Serious?

How Do I Know if My Stomach Pain Is Serious?Just about everyone experiences a stomach ache at one point in their life, and for most, figuring out what caused it Read More

What Does My Stomach Pain Mean?

When you are experiencing pain in your stomach it can be both alarming and disruptive to your life. At GI Med Health, Dr. Sushil Rattan and Dr. Radman Mostaghim can Read More

What You Can Do for Stomach Pain

Stomach pain happens to most of us on occasion, whether caused by indigestion, overeating, cramping, illness or infection. While it usually dissipates on its own, stomach pain can affect your Read More

What are Hemorrhoids?

Find out if the uncomfortable symptoms you are having are due to hemorrhoids and how your Greenbelt, MD gastroenterologist can help. Do you notice pain or discomfort when passing bowel movements? Read More

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